I’m Jec 👋🏻

Creator of Evolve Motherhood. A space for women to come for inspiration, celebration, healing, community and shared wisdom.

My mission is to help women fully love and accept themselves & to live a life of fulfilment; so that their children can receive from the overflow of love available to them. To break any non-serving cycles from the past.

My why … I lived for most of my life totally disconnected from myself. I was a master of suppressing my emotions & masking my anxiety whilst feeling completely broken. Motherhood gave me an opportunity to return to wholeness. It wasn’t easy getting here. And I’ve had a lot of support.

I’ve spent 8 years studying psychology (and counting). After completing my first degree, I bumbled about in meaningless jobs, searching for my why. Deep down I knew it was to help others.

Although I wasn’t using my knowledge of psychology in any of the jobs I did, I knew it would be useful when I became a mother.

I never imagined that I’d fulfill my dream of doing a masters by research, at the same time as becoming pregnant with my first child. And oh what a journey that was.

I spent 2 years interviewing, listening to and writing about womens postpartum struggles. Whilst navigating my own.

I felt so much anger for the women who told me how let down they felt by the healthcare they received, after having a baby. These feelings of isolation, of helplessness, of having nobody approachable to share their struggles with. They told me stories about the pressure they felt to be a certain way, to look a certain way, to cope a certain way. It broke my heart. Since then I’ve dedicated myself to leading with my heart and making a difference.

I’ve spent the last few years growing my career as an academic well-being researcher. Which is amazing, meaningful work. But my heart kept calling me back to my mission with Evolve Motherhood.

So I’ve done my inner work. For myself, for my son, for my partner and my family. So I can stand here and welcome you all to journey with me, if you feel the call to, to do the same. To rise in to motherhood, your own way! Honouring and celebrating your own unique journey. Supported by sisterhood.

Jec Mayes Evolve Motherhood Whitley Bay
Jec Mayes Evolve Motherhood Whitley Bay

It Goes so fast

Our kids are only little for such a short time. It goes so fast.

We are helping to shape their inner world in those early years. Their sense of self is a reflection of how we interact and engage with them. You are also building the foundation of your relationship with them for life.

It’s such a huge responsibility. And it can feel heavy sometimes. Mothering is the most important work we can do. Raising the next generation starts with us 💪🏼👌🏻make sure you’re looking after yourselves too ladies.

The perfect parent does not exist!

It’s not about being a perfect parent, it’s about being present. Present in the moment. Present and aware of how powerful our words, actions and behaviours are, when it comes to their development.

#motherhood #parenting #earlyyears #childpyschology #childdevelopment #braindevelopment #love #baby #family #familyfirst #toddlerlife #toddlermum #thefirst5years #familylife #consiousparenting #gentleparenting #respecfulparenting #thenextgeneration